
New Members and Renewal Forms

Membership of the Clumber Spaniel Club costs £12/single, £18 /joint or overseas and £5 juniors or gamekeepers.

(for those who are new/lapsed members)


Note – if you require a Proposer/Seconder, please contact the Secretary at secretary@clumberspanielclub.org.uk (for those who are renewing their membership)


Membership applications and renewals should be forwarded to the Membership Co-ordinator:– Mr J Newsham, 61 Churchill Meadow, Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 2DQ   membership@clumberspanielclub.org.uk

Membership Payment

It is now possible to make your membership payment by Paypal but please make sure that you set your payment type to ‘Family & Friends’.

If you do not do this we will be in touch to recover the charge that Paypal removes from your payment.

Send your payment to payment@clumberspanielclub.org.uk making sure you include your name and address.

Assured Breeder Scheme

This is just a reminder that the Kennel Club runs an assured breeder scheme, follow the links below for more information

Please find the links below to information that may be useful to you in relation to the Assured Breeder Scheme and breeding from your dog;

The following gives some Quick Links for existing Assured Breeders, including details of accolades for Assured Breeders

There are currently four accolades that you may qualify for:

  • Breeding experience accolade: assigned to breeders who have bred at least five litters
  • Breed club accolade: assigned to breeders who are current members of one or more breed clubs (for each breed bred)
  • Stud book accolade: assigned to breeders who have bred three or more dogs listed in The Kennel Club Stud Book
  • Accolade of excellence: nominations will normally come from breed clubs. Before nominations will be considered, breeders will normally need to have bred five British titleholders (from any of the disciplines) and have had a successful visit from a regional breeder assessor